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RtDT: Marker Minis - CausticWorks

RtDT: Marker Minis

Boardgames are pretty awesome. I’m not nearly as ravenous as some, but I have a reasonable collection (check me out on BGG). At some point I acquired a few with a fairly significant collection of unpainted plastic miniatures. Seems to add a bit of grandeur to a game, and clearly the developers love big boxes.

This puts me in a terrible situation: tons of plain plastic minis! Though I get a bit paralyzed trying to start painting them. Wouldn’t they be better off plain than with a garbage paint job? The answer is generally yes… but it’s fun! As an example, here’s a sample of my son’s METAL DRAGON which is EXCELLENT.


I’ve since started 3D printing some minis and painted some of those; perfect way to practice with low risk, though the quality of the prints was low — note the Metal Dragon is a 3D print, hence the layer marks (though, that was a particularly coarse print). Probably a topic for another post. However, a recent Kickstarter gave an opportunity. This was for a remake of the 80’s game Dark Tower, aptly titled Return to Dark Tower. Of course they had an add on for a box full of minis, dubbed the Dark Horde Expansion — why not.

When the game arrived with minis in tow I got started painting. These minis are quite detailed and I don’t know that I can do them justice, but when I bought them I did so to knock out some painting, so that’s what’s happening.

I’ll start posting some process shots, but I didn’t really consider that to start so here are some less than stellar shots of those I’ve completed so far. These are the markers used in the game to designate special event locations. I’ll try to take some pictures next to their cardboard counterparts that are included in the base game. Of course, prior to painting I didn’t think to look at the cardboard markers as a color reference, but I think mine worked out well enough.

Painted marker from Return to Dark Tower

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